Sunday, December 20, 2009

New Malaysia - Educating Malaysian

I miss the opportunity to attend the GTA Open Day session on Education at Sunway Pyramid Convention Center on 18th December.

The next day I read the Star and learned that there will be initiative to identify 20 high performance schools. I am not sure what that initiative means ? Is it an annual rating given to 2o top performing schools ? Meaning every schools will have the opportunity to be in the elite group if they tried hard enough and satisfy the winning criteria ? If that was the case, then it is okay.

What if the initiative is to identify/groom 20 selected schools to be in the high performance bracket ? That would not be smart isn't it ? It will be sending the wrong signals to the school, teacher, student and parent fraternities. What do you expect them to feel ? What would you want to label those outside the 20 ? Low performance schools ? Non high performance schools ?

I am speculating. Can anybody put some light into this issue please ?

1 comment:

  1. If your speculation were true, such initiative will be politically incorrect.
